Catholic Site Blasts Melania’s Hosting Of Homocon Gala

From the far-right Catholic site LifeSiteNews:

After an extended absence from public view, former First Lady Melania Trump is reportedly set to return to the campaign trail for her husband starting with a fundraiser for homosexual “conservative” group Log Cabin Republicans at her and husband Donald’s resort home of Mar-a-Lago.

Log Cabin Republicans advocate for homosexual “marriage,” homosexual adoption – which has led to numerous cases of child sex abuse – a nationwide ban on so-called “conversion therapy,” and even forcing government-assisted adoption agencies to place children in same-sex households, among other things.

Trump has a mixed history on LGBT issues, starting with his status as a mainstream celebrity and conventional liberal New Yorker before his entry into Republican politics. In 2012, as the owner of the Miss Universe beauty pageant, Trump repeatedly endorsed the inclusion of “transgender women,” i.e. men, in competition with actual women.

Read the full article. LifeSiteNews has been banned from multiple platforms for spreading fake political news and COVID disinformation, but they were allowed back on Twitter after Elmo’s takeover.