“Chaos” As Michigan Christians Attempt To Drown Out Satanic Temple’s County Meeting Invocation [VIDEO]

The Holland Sentinel reports:

The Satanic Temple of West Michigan announced in March they’d been scheduled to give the meeting’s prayer April 23. The meeting drew one of the largest crowds the board has seen since Ottawa Impact commissioners took office in January 2023. Hundreds gathered in the lobby and in front of the Fillmore Complex.

Many stood in small groups to pray, sing hymns and hold signs opposed to the Satanic Temple. Attendees in the lobby continued to sing through the start of the meeting, including during the invocation.

It was a scene set in part by OI commissioners’ own staunch Christian beliefs. The invocation has also been given by Bart Spencer, senior pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church, who made headlines early in the pandemic when he encouraged his congregation to contract the virus to “get it over with.”

Read the full article. Watch the “chaos” clip!