Catholic League: Trump Is A “Model Of Excellence” On Religious Liberty Compared To “Abject Failure” Biden

Via press release from hate group leader Bill Donohue:

In 1952, Congress designated the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer; this year it falls on May 2. Predictably, every president since has said something positive about religion on this day. To judge their sincerity, however, we need to look at the policies they initiated that touch on religious liberty.

In his four years as president, Trump addressed religious liberty issues 117 times. From the beginning of his presidency in January 2021 to May 1, 2024, Biden addressed these matters 31 times.

Quantitative data are important, and on this score, Trump wins easily: 117-31. But qualitative analysis is also important: the content of the religious issues that they addressed matters greatly.

No one seriously believes that Trump is a man of deep faith. But his policies on religious liberty are a model of excellence. Biden, on the other hand, tries hard to convince the public that he is a “devout Catholic” yet his religious liberty rulings are unimpressive, and in some cases are subversive of this First Amendment right.

National Prayer Day may mean something special to President Biden, personally. But like all presidents, he has to be judged on the basis of his actions, not his intentions. On this score, his record on religious liberty is an abject failure.

Read the full press release.