“Blacks For Trump” Attack Biden With N-Word Ad

Axios reports:

A profane, pro-Trump political ad in the Miami New Times features several uncensored uses of the N-word and displays a misleading quote from President Biden using the slur in 1985. The full-page “advertorial” does not disclose who bought it, but directs readers to a conspiracy-laden website affiliated with Blacks for Trump, a local fringe political group whose signs often appear prominently at Donald Trump rallies.

The Biden claim refers to a 1985 Senate hearing in which then-Sen. Biden, while questioning a nominee for federal office, quoted racist remarks made by a state legislator. Ahead of the 2020 election, social media users shared edited clips of the hearing to claim Biden used the N-word, omitting the context of his comments. Biden was reading verbatim from a memo highlighting racist language used by lawmakers to support a redistricting plan in Louisiana.

The Daily Beast reports

The profane advertisement, which remained in news boxes through Juneteenth, should have never made it to print, the Miami New Times publisher Adam Simon told Axios. “Naturally, had I seen it, which I should have, I would not have let it run as is,” he said.

The publisher said his staff and him typically review all advertisements before they’re published, but Wednesday’s piece arrived just before deadline and he never reviewed it. Now, Simon says the paper will no longer accept last-second ad-buys that aren’t able to be reviewed by staff before going to print.

The founder of Blacks For Trump, Maurice Symonette, is a former member of the black supremacist cult Nation Of Yahweh, which has been accused in 14 murders.

Symonette, who is often seen waving signs behind Trump at rallies, was himself accused of conspiracy to commit two murders, but was later acquitted.