Challenger To Freedom Caucus Chair Declares Victory In VA Primary But Race Is Still Too Close To Call [VIDEO]

The Associated Press reports:

Rep. Bob Good, one of America’s most conservative congressmen, was locked in a tight renomination battle against state Sen. John McGuire [photo], an opponent endorsed by former President Donald Trump, in Virginia’s primary election Tuesday.

Ballots remained to be counted, and the close margin made the race too early to call. Virginia observes the Juneteenth holiday and isn’t expected to count votes on Wednesday as a result.

McGuire led Good by 327 votes, or 0.52 percentage points, out of 62,495 ballots counted as of 12 a.m. Wednesday. Despite the strong possibility of the final results being close enough to trigger a recount McGuire declared victory and called for unity among fellow Republicans.

Read the full article.

Trump has attacked Good almost every day for weeks because Good endorsed DeSantis last year. Even Good’s pathetic performance outside Trump’s trial didn’t win back his favor.