Cops: Missouri Woman Poisoned Husband’s Mountain Dew Because He Didn’t Appreciate His Birthday Party

NBC News reports:

A Missouri woman is charged with multiple felonies for allegedly spiking her husband’s Mountain Dew with Roundup weed killer and insecticide repeatedly to be “mean” to him, authorities said. Michelle Y. Peters, 47, of Lebanon, is accused of secretly putting Roundup in her husband’s 2-liter bottles of Mountain Dew he stored in a garage refrigerator during May and June. On Sunday, she also allegedly laced the beverage with insecticide.

She was being held on no bond Friday afternoon at the Laclede County Detention Center, according to a representative of the jail. On the day of her arrest, Laclede County Sheriff David Millsap and a detective with the sheriff’s office said Peters told authorities, “She was mad … because she had thrown him a 50th birthday party and he was not appreciative,” according to the probable cause statement.

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The husband, who will recover, suspected the wife of wanting his life insurance and reviewed a garage cam video to find her spiking the soda.