Creationist Ken Ham: Christians Aren’t Obsessed With Homosexuals, It’s Just That God Calls For Killing Them

Ken Ham writes for his Answers In Genesis blog:

Are Christians really obsessed with homosexuality? This is an objection I will often see on social media when I post biblical teaching that conflicts with the LGBTQ worldview. Instead of engaging with my arguments, the comments section fills with accusations that Christians must be “closet gays” because of how much they “obsess” over LGBTQ.

Now, of course, that’s not the case—we’re not obsessed (honestly, there are many, many things we’d rather talk about!), but we do speak to this issue often because, well, the culture is obsessed with it! Since so many people are being deceived, we must speak up and share biblical truth.

No sexual sin is “no big deal”—consider that both homosexuality and adultery carried with them the death penalty under Old Testament law, and Jesus equates lust with adultery. Sexual sin is serious no matter what form the perversion of God’s design takes!

Read the full article. Ham is the founder of Kentucky’s infamous boondoggle, the Ark Encounter, where humans are depicted as having lived alongside dinosaurs.