Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism, Claims “Same Deep State” That Took Out Nixon Is Now After Trump

“The same deep state that removed Richard Nixon, the same deep state that went after Ronald Reagan and anybody else who stood up to them, that deep state became very insidious and in the 1950s smeared and attacked Joe McCarthy for speaking the truth about godless communism in very halls of our government.

“They grab control of our academia to indoctrinate all of our kids. And they started at the collegiate level, and now it’s down to kindergarten, preschool, where they are indoctrinating our children.

“They grab control over the news media so that the propaganda continues to be perpetuated. And they grab control over the culture. Movies, television, music never used to be this way. In the 1950s, John Wayne during World War Two, Hollywood was producing patriotic films no longer.

“So the communists have been very successful in grabbing control over all of the aspects of American life and culture.” – Former Trump official Monica Crowley, who withdrew from consideration for a national security position after being exposed for multiple instances of plagiarism in her PhD dissertation and in her book.