Former Newsmax Host Declares “Pride Month Is So Defeated” Because He Got Engaged To His Girlfriend

The Daily Beast reports:

A former Newsmax reporter quickly found himself at the center of brutal mockery this week when he posted a celebratory photo of himself proposing to his girlfriend alongside the caption: “Pride month is so defeated.” Addison Smith, a former One America News host who was reportedly ousted from Newsmax last month, has relished the backlash to his gay-bashing tweet.

Speaking to The Daily Mail on Monday, Smith rejoiced that his engagement announcement “triggered an entire army of libs” and he couldn’t “think of a better way to cap off pride month.” Charis Edwards, a booking producer for former Fox host Lou Dobbs, reacted to her beau’s tweet by referencing Donald Trump’s campaign slogan: “Make June Great Again,” she posted.

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Smith’s tweet has over 34 million views at this writing and he has now limited replies to people that he follows.

Smith last appeared here in 2022 when he declared that abortion is “never needed” to save the life of the mother.