Hate Group Declares Victory Over Pride Month: It’s Been A Long Time Since Straights Could “Enjoy June”

Posted to the Family Research Council’s website:

It’s been a long time since Americans could sit back and actually enjoy the month of June. It was always an insufferable four weeks, breathing in the rainbow-saturated air that fell heaviest across our favorite sports, stores, shows, and social media.

But the most remarkable thing about this year’s Pride Month may be just how unremarkable it was. Sure, there were still parades, over-the-top political pronouncements, and colorful flags billowing from too many government buildings, but the characteristic dread and fatigue from Pride is gone — replaced by a quiet confidence that maybe, just maybe, we’ve been heard.

For the conservatives in the movement fighting this battle the longest, 2024 didn’t just feel different. It was different. Heading into these final days of June, the biggest story across the mainstream media isn’t who’s celebrating Pride, but where did it go? The Associated Press and others have talked to countless experts, who all have the same thing to say: Executives are too worried about rocking the consumer boat.

Read the full article. The linked piece is titled “Pride Month Goes Out With A Whimper.” The FRC’s last mention of Pride Month came in a five-step how-to on being abusive to LGBTQs.