Lindell Loses Lawyer In $5M “Prove Mike Wrong” Case

Law & Crime reports:

Minnesota pillow magnate Mike Lindell has lost his final lawyer in a civil lawsuit over a disastrous challenge in which he failed to prove electoral interference and is now on the hook for over $5 million. In 2021, the outspoken supporter ofTrump issued the “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge at a South Dakota election fraud symposium — showcasing data purportedly proving the People’s Republic of China had interfered with the 2020 U.S. election.

When issuing the challenge, Lindell said his team of experts would provide “cyber data and packet captures from the 2020 November election” and said the upshot of the challenge was to “find proof that this cyber data is not valid data from the November Election.” Contestants who could prove the data was not from the 2020 election would be awarded $5 million, the announcement promised.

Read the full article. Said lawyer gave no reason in his notice to the court, but we can presume that he wasn’t getting paid. Also not yet paid is the Trump supporter who did prove that Lindell was full of shit.