Trump: Flight Delays Are Now So Bad That People Are “Pitching Tents” In Our “Third World” Airport Terminals

“You look at our airports where flights are being delayed four days where people are pitching tents in an airport because their flight is so, you know, it’s never gonna even happen.

“We’ve never seen anything like it. And we’ve become like, you know, we, we are a failing nation where we’ve become a third world nation in many ways.

“Our elections are third world in my opinion. Our airports are being run so badly, it’s so badly. It’s not even conceivable.

“People go – the other night I had somebody going to the airport and they called up two days later to tell me that they’ve never gotten out. I said, but where are you? ‘Still at the airport.'”- Trump, speaking on Sean Spicer’s podcast.