Unopposed CO Log Cabin Chair Wins House Primary

First, a reminder from earlier this month:

A gay Republican is standing by his party after the Colorado GOP called LGBTQ+ people “godless groomers.” The state’s GOP recently sent out a campaign email that referred to the queer community as “barbaric,” “creeps,” “degenerates,” “godless,” “groomers,” “predators,” “radicals,” and “reprobates.”

The message also linked to a sermon from Pastor Mark Driscoll, which proclaimed in the video thumbnail “God hates flags,” wordplay on a popular conservative slogan that uses a derogatory slur.

The head of Colorado’s Log Cabin Republicans, Valdamar Archuleta, has since defended GOP Chair Dave Williams, who sent the email, telling Denver journalist Kyle Clark that he believes Williams was just trying to mimic former president Donald Trump’s personality.

Read the full article.

Archuleta ran unopposed in Colorado’s District 1 GOP primary, getting 10,027 votes. Incumbent Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette won her primary with 57,622 votes.

He first appeared here in January 2024 when his Log Cabin chapter posted an Instagram meme comparing Biden to Hitler.

Also in January 2024 he appeared to endorse claims that LGBTQ people are potential pedophiles, writing, “If you’re really that upset about being called a #groomer maybe you should step back and reevaluate your activity around children.”

Archuleta has also claimed that reports of evangelical Christians and white supremacists advocating against LGBTQ rights are fake news.