Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Mocks: “Sorry, Jack Smith”

“Absolute immunity is important for all presidents, I’ve said it time and time again. I’ve argued on immunity for President Trump, and I think they did get right that they recognize absolute immunity exists.

“Another thing I do think needs to be pointed out is that they said presumptive immunity exists for acts within the outer perimeter of his official acts.

“So what’s going to happen now is that they basically have said, ‘Sorry, Jack Smith, you don’t get to just impede and intrude on the executive branch.’

“We get to have protections for presidents who are doing things while they are in office so that they don’t come out and get targeted and criminally and civilly sued.

“It’s incredibly important. It was a good decision. Now as a legal, as an attorney, as a legal spokesperson, I would just say this: Of course, it is a good day when the Supreme Court recognizes constitutional rights of presidents and the executive branch.

“But we should never have been in this situation to start with. This is a disgrace to America. The fact that we’ve been in front of the Supreme Court so many times is, frankly, a sad day for the American people. It’s election interference at its finest.

“But I’m happy today. I think that Chief Roberts, Chief Justice Roberts, made a good decision for what I’m seeing. Obviously, I need to read it fully, but recognizing Nixon v. Fitzgerald, upholding that decision, and stating that absolute immunity does exist for presidents is a good thing.

“It’s an important thing for all Americans, both Democrat and Republican.” – Trump lawyer Alina “I’d Rather Be Pretty Than Smart” Habba, today on Fox News.