Monthly Archives: September 2010

FLORIDA: City To Fine Would-Be Koran Burner $180K For Security Costs

The city of Gainesville, Florida says it is sending Dove World Ministries a bill for $180,000 to pay for all the extra police protection they had to provide Pastor Terry Jones during the week-long media circus as he threatened to burn the Koran. Stand by for the teabagger fundraising to commence.

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Campaign Button Of The Year

(Via – Andrew Sullivan)

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Children Of The Corn Clown Car

The Duggars and their nineteen crotch-fruit won the “Pro-Family Entertainment Award” at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit yesterday, where human clown car Michelle Duggar railed against abortion and contraception. And then the children of the corn took out their violins and sang about the righteousness of Jeesbus and the cold, cold loneliness of being just one of nineteen …

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Latest Forecasts From Nate Silver

More at FiveThirtyEight.

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Charleston, New York City

(Via – Gothamist)

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WISCONSIN: Sen. Russ Feingold Vs. Teabagger Ron Johnson A Toss-Up

Three term incumbent Sen. Russ Feingold is tied in the polling averages against anti-gay teabagger Ron Johnson, who believes that “freedom of religion does NOT mean freedom FROM religion.” The latest Rasmussen poll, released yesterday, puts Johnson in a seven point lead, although many claim Rasmussen has a distinct GOP bias. While both candidates are holding their respective party’s voters …

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Cat Loaf

Photo by Dr. Jeff.

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The Straight Guys’ Anthem

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She’s A Witch, Burn Her!

Can Christine O’Donnell’s past GET any more bizarre? UPDATE: O’Donnell has canceled her appearance on tomorrow’s Face The Nation after the witchcraft clip surfaced. She’s even bailed on Fox News Sunday, despite Sarah Palin’s advice to only speak through Fox News.

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Wayne Besen On Rachel Maddow

Truth Wins Out founder Wayne Besen appeared on Rachel Maddow last night to discuss Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell and the “ex-gay” movement.

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Dude, Those Were Totally Tornadoes

The National Weather Service has decided that NYC actually got hit by two confirmed tornadoes on Thursday evening. The city is applying to FEMA for disaster relief for parts of Queens and Brooklyn. About 15,000 residents are still without power more than a day later.

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October 7th In NYC: Ali Forney Center’s
“A Place At The Table” Annual Benefit

The Ali Forney Center, NYC’s homeless shelter for LGBT youth, will be holding their annual “A Place At The Table” benefit gala dinner on October 7th at 91 Horatio Street in the West Village. Get tickets here. This year’s host is openly gay Tony winning actor Denis O’Hare, whom you may best know as True Blood’s vicious vampire, Russell Edgington. …

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Christine O’Donnell’s Formerly “Ex-Gay” Employee Speaks Out

(Via JMG reader Dennis)

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Andrew Sullivan On Christine O’Donnell

“A mischievous thought: when will someone ask O’Donnell, as a single woman, if, since her conversion to Catholicism, she has ever masturbated? She cannot have had any sex, right? And that includes sex alone. Since she has made this a public stance, and since, apparently, she cannot lie (even if it would mean handing over Jews to Nazis), she has …

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New From Barbara Boxer

Nice work using Carly Fiorina’s own words against her. (Via – AmericaBlog)

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Rep. Mike Pence: If The GOP Loses In November It Will Be The End Of America

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) got one of the most enthusiastic receptions at the FRC’s Values Voters Summit today, where he warned that God will punish America if the GOP loses in November. Smite us, oh mighty smiter!

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Rick Santorum Spreads His Frothy Mix At Values Voters Summit

Former Sen. Rick Santorum: “People are living longer because we said that people should be allowed to live longer.” Wait, what?

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Sen. Jim Inhofe Warns Of “Open Gay Activities” After DADT Repeal

At the Values Voters douchebag-a-thon.

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Catholic League Nutter Bill Donohue: Atheists Should Apologize For Adolf Hitler

“The pope cited Hitler today, asking everyone to ‘reflect on the sobering lessons of atheist extremism of the 20th century.’ Immediately, the British Humanist Association got its back up, accusing the pope of ‘a terrible libel against those who do not believe in God.’ The pope did not go far enough. Radical atheists like the British Humanist Association should apologize …

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Three Angelic Hotties Were Waiting For The Pope As He “Swished By” In Britain

The gay dating site Gaydar stationed the above winged hotties on the Pope’s route today. Via press release: It’s day two of the Pope Benedict’s state visit to the UK. This morning he visited St. Mary’s University in Twickenham, the same town where gay dating megasite* is based. On arrival he was met by a large crowd of protestors, …

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