Monthly Archives: September 2010

Anderson Cooper Vs. Teabagger Carl Paladino About Those Bestiality Emails

Last night whackadoodle teabagger and New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino faced off against Anderson Cooper to defend his practice of sending out bestiality-laden and racist emails. Paladino also plugs his plan to house New York’s welfare recipients in prisons for their own good.

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CALIFORNIA: Denny’s Waiter Stabbed For Being Gay, Cops Rule It A Hate Crime

A waiter at a Denny’s restaurant in Santa Maria, California is hospitalized with neck and throat wounds after being attacked by a customer who first demanded to know, “Are you gay?” When the waiter replied that he was, the customer stabbed him with a knife. The 24 year-old assailant fled the scene but was later apprehended and charged with attempted …

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DADT Action: GetEQUAL Delivers Signed Combat Boots To Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA)

AmericaBlog reports: Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) voted against the compromise DADT amendment in the Senate Armed Services Committee on May 27th. He’s getting a visit from GetEQUAL today, which you can follow on GetEQUAL’s Facebook page and via Twitter.the 2006 campaign, Webb wore the combat boots of his son who was serving in Iraq. Servicemembers will be leaving their combat …

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MINNESOTA: Bachmann Leads Clark By 9

Tarryl Clark is performing better in the polls than many expected, but still trails Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann by nine points.

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HAWAII: Christianist Group Fined $20,000 For Excessive Anti-Gay Lobbying

Not a huge amount, but satisfying nonetheless. Hawaii Family Forum, a Christian charity that helped lead the fight against civil unions, spent so much money politicking last year that it had to pay the IRS $20,741 in taxes for its “excessive lobbying,” according to its latest tax return. The nonprofit group reported spending $125,695 on lobbying last year, a huge …

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Crazy Eyes At Values Voters Summit

From today’s Christian Reich confab in DC.

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Bryan Fischer’s Greatest Snits

The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer will be addressing the Christian Reich at the Values Voters Summit. Right Wing Watch rounds up some of his latest bits of bile below.

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Sacha Baron Cohen To Play Freddie

Sacha Baron Cohen will play Freddie Mercury in an upcoming biopic. The film, which will focus on the period leading up to Live Aid in 1985, will begin shooting next year. “I think we’ll try and keep ourselves out of it as much as we can,” Queen guitarist Brian May said. Baron Cohen had been “on this project since we …

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Gillibrand Tweets Gaga

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Dude, It’s Fucking Funneling!

Gothamist points us to this rather hilarious clip of two guys in Brooklyn freaking the fuck out over yesterday’s tornado/whatever. The comments on YouTube are a riot. “Fake and gay.” I just think they have a really nice apartment. Anyway, stand by the inevitable auto-tuned remixes.

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This Is An Actual Movie

Screening tonight at the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit is Christmas With A Capital C, a movie depicting how one Satanic atheist tried to ruin Christmas for an entire Alaskan town. “Christmas with a Capital C” was filmed in Seward the last of February and early March. The movie stars Daniel Baldwin (the second-oldest of the Baldwin brothers) and …

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Free Trent Reznor Downloads

Trent Reznor is offering a free download of a five-track EP from his coming soundtrack to The Social Network, which will be released on September 28th. The download is live for the next 24 hours only.

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Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert Plan “Dueling” Rallies For Washington DC

Vanity Fair has the deets: On last night’s Daily Show and Colbert Report hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, respectively, announced that they would be holding concurrent rallies on the Mall, in Washington, D.C., on October 30. Stewart’s event, the Rally to Restore Sanity, will urge citizens to “take it down a notch for America.” This means, according to the …

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National Convention Of Anti-Gay Douchebags Underway In DC

The Family Research Council’s so-called Values Voters Summit is underway in DC today. Pretty much every anti-gay, racist, teabaggger, Christianist douchebag you’ve ever heard of is there. Watch live online. Right now some asshat Sen. Jim Inhofe is at the podium screaming about “open rampant gay sex in the military.” Crazy Eyes and Christine O’Donnell are due up soon.

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A Message From Gaga To The Senate

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O’Donnell’s Backers Cheer Money Flow

This is the same outfit that Christine O’Donnell used to gay-bait Rep. Mike Castle.

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Tea Party Comes To Australia

Get ready, Australia. Here come the teabaggers. An anti-tax, anti-government Tea Party has set up shop in Australia, inspired by the US-based movement that has turned the Republican Party upside down. The Australian T.E.A. Party (an acronym for Taxed Enough Already) will be targeting pre-selections across the country and heavily promotes its links to “our friends” in the United States. …

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Quote Of The Day – Floyd Brown

“The Obama presidency is a disease. Article 2, Section 4 (the impeachment clause of the Constitution) is the cure. And it’s Obama’s hatred of America that makes it absolutely imperative that we take action now. Barack Hussein Obama is not some do-gooder that has had his plans go astray. He is not a person of good will just trying his …

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Maddow: Karl Rove & GOP Flip-Flop On Backing Christine O’Donnell

Plus lots more about O’Donnell’s whackadoodle past.

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WASHINGTON: “A Black Girl Threw Acid In My Face! (Oh, Wait…I Did It Myself)”

A Washington woman who told reporters that she was only alive because of her faith in Jeebus has been exposed as having actually thrown acid on her own face. So much for the unidentified black woman the hoaxer had accused. The “attack” has been discussed daily on right wing talk radio. A woman who said she was attacked with acid …

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