Monthly Archives: September 2010

Possible Tornado Hits Brooklyn

Folks in the midwest will likely be unimpressed, but it was a pretty wild storm by New York City standards. One person killed, lots of cars and trees wrecked. The NY Times has plenty of photos.

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Comics Love Christine O’Donnell

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LOUISIANA: Sen. David “Diaper Boy” Vitter Signs Tea Party Morality Pledge

Sanctity of opposite-marriage hero, serial adulterer, hooker patron, and diaper fetishist Sen. David Vitter has signed the Tea Party Patriots’ morality pledge. I hereby pledge to: Support and defend the U.S. Constitution as originally intended by the Founders and as explained in the “Federalist Papers.” Act in a fiscally responsible manner: Decrease the size and scope of government on all …

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Kinsey Sicks – Bedroom Ants

New from “America’s favorite dragapella beauty shop quartet.” Rachel’s looking rather buff these days!

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Gay Patriot Endorses “People With AIDS Deserve It” Christine O’Donnell

Finishing out today’s homocon hat trick of self-loathing, Gay Patriot blogger and GOProud member B. Daniel Blatt announces that Christine O’Donnell has “the right message.” That message being that people with AIDS deserve what they get. Yup, the homocons actually want an “ex-gay” advocate and pathological enemy of gay people in the United States Senate. NOTE: I know a lot …

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DADT Repeal Vote Set For Tuesday

The Washington Post reports: The U.S. Senate will hold a key vote Tuesday on a defense bill that includes language repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell,” the Clinton-era policy banning gays from openly serving in uniform, Democratic and Republican aides said Thursday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid earlier this week vowed to hold a vote next week, even taking to Twitter …

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Sky Saddles

Here’s a prototype of the “seating” that may be used by airlines that hope to offer “standing-room” tickets, as I’ve mentioned here before. The new airplane seat, to be unveiled next week at the Aircraft Interiors Expo Americas conference in Long Beach, would give passengers an experience akin to riding horseback. They’d sit at an angle with no more than …

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LCR Backs Rep. Mary Bono Mack

Sonny’s widow voted against the repeal of DADT. She faces openly gay Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet, who if elected would become the first gay-married gay parent in the national legislature. Pougnet has been facing his own local problems regarding a sex sting by Palms Springs police on gay men in a local park.

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Sarah Palin To Christine O’Donnell: You Have To Speak Through Fox News

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Russian Activist Nikolai Alekseev Detained By Police Over Gay Pride Complaints

Noted Russian LGBT activist Nikolai Alekseev was taken away by authorities yesterday he attempted to board a flight to Geneva. According to Alekseev, Russia’s government is angry over a complaint he filed with the European Court Of Human Rights over Moscow’s five year old ban on gay pride events. Officials are also demanding that he call off a picket of …

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One Million Dollars In One Day

And that money will go a long way in a tiny state like Delaware.

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Brittany Novotny Vs. Sally Kern

Sally Kern claims that “out of state gay millionaire” Tim Gill is secretly backing Brittany Novotny. Neither Gill nor his PAC have donated to Novotny.

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Christine O’Donnell Has A Long Sordid History Of Demonizing LGBT People

Wade Richards, a former member of Christine O’Donnell’s “ex-gay” group who has since come to terms with his sexuality, tells all in a report published today by the Daily Beast. According to Richards, O’Donnell has a lesbian sister, whom he credits with helping him accept himself. The article lists some of O’Donnell’s track record in her long campaign to demonize …

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Homocons GOProud Endorse Rep. Barney Frank’s GOP Opponent Sean Bielat

This just in from GOPRoud at Quisling Headquarters: Today, GOProud, the only national organization representing gay conservatives and their allies, endorsed Republican Sean Bielat in his race to unseat Democrat Barney Frank in Massachusetts’s 4th Congressional District. “If we really want to protect gay jobs we don’t need to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA], we need to fire Barney …

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Tired Old Queen At The Movies #49

1940’s The Philadelphia Story starring Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, and Ruth Hussey.

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AFA’S Bryan Fischer Tells Teabaggers: Attack On Social Issues Or Lose Christianists

The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer debated a Tea Party organizer on NPR to warn that unless the teabaggers embrace the AFA’s positions on gay rights and abortion, they’ll lose the support of the nation’s Christianists. It’s rather astonishing that NPR would provide a platform to a crazy like Bryan Fischer, who has called for homosexuals to be sent to …

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BREAKING: GetEQUAL Protests McCain At Senate Armed Services Hearing

Follow the action on GetEQUAL’s Twitter feed.

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Remixer & Blowoff DJ Rich Morel Scores 15th Billboard #1 Dance Hit

Remix artist Rich Morel, also one-half of the Blowoff DJ team, notches his 15th Billboard dance chart topper this week with his reworking of Yoko Ono’s Wouldnit (I’m A Star). Morel has previously reached the dance summit with remixes for Pet Shop Boys, Seal, Cyndi Lauper, Depeche Mode, New Order, Vivian Green, and t.A.T.u. Morel is currently writing songs with …

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Joe Biden: I’m Confident We Can Overcome Any GOP Filibuster On DADT

Calling DADT “absolutely mindless,” Vice President Joe Biden tells Rachel Maddow that he is confident Democrats came overcome any GOP filibuster of the defense authorization bill to which the repeal of DADT is attached.

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Christian Charity Fires Non-Christians

The Christian disaster relief charity World Vision, which receives federal funding to the tune of $300M annually, has won the right to fire non-Christian employees. The case is headed to federal appeals court. (Tipped by JMG reader Andy)

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