Monthly Archives: September 2010

American Family Association: Muslims Are Retarded And Violent Due To Inbreeding

“This practice [of first cousin marriages], which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all …

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This Week In Holy Crimes

Over the last seven days… California: Pastor Leonel Pelayo charged with sexual assault of a 14 year-old girl.Ottawa: Father Robin Barrett convicted of possessing tens of thousands of child porn videos and images.Florida: Pastor Steven Rowe charged with molesting four students at the Christian middle school where he is headmaster.Texas: Father Chester W. King arrested for lewd behavior in a …

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LOUISIANA: Teabagger Challenges Sen. David “Diaper Boy” Vitter To Cage Match

Tea Party candidate Mike Spears has challenged Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) to a cage match over Vitter’s admission that he has patronized prostitutes. “In early America, when a politician insulted the honor of another, a duel was in order. Consider this challenge a modern-day duel,” Spears said. “Sen. Vitter’s behavior, his admission of breaking the law in 2007, has insulted …

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Africa In Perspective

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Maddow Tears Into “Ex-Gay” Proponent And Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell

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Afternoon View – Fifth Avenue Apple Store

Just the entrance, actually, since the store itself is underground. I’m not an Apple customer, but I walked in just to see the store and found about 200 people snaked around around store’s aisles in a line to buy the iPhone 4. Still. Months after it came out. Craziness.

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That Day

(This story makes its sixth annual appearance on JMG today. On this day last year, I noted that 2009 would be its final posting, as ‘I just want to run this once under a president other than Dubya.’ Many of you objected, saying this post should continue to run every year. As you wish.) Manhattan, September 11th, 2001 That day, …

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White House Responds To DADT Ruling

Towleroad has received the below statement from White House spokesman Shin Inouye. “The Justice Department is studying the decision, including the question of its scope and immediate effect and we expect them to announce their next steps after that review is completed. The President remains committed to legislative repeal of DADT, and he will continue to work with lawmakers to …

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Today Is Trevor Project Day In NYC

As proclaimed by Gov. David Paterson in recognition of National Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is one of the top three causes of death among young people (15 to 24-year-olds). Only accidents and homicides occur more frequently as causes of death among young people. LGBTQ youth are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. LGBTQ …

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Chicago Looks Fun This Sunday

Oh, wait. That’s not a football joke, is it? Bother.

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Quote Of The Day – Emma Ruby-Sachs

“The big question is, does this bold move save the Log Cabin Republicans? Right now, the House has passed the repeal of DADT and is waiting for the Senate to get up and do the same. The only problem is, Republican opposition to the measure is permanently stalling all efforts. In response, the Log Cabin Republicans spend a lot of …

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Obama On Mosque Building

Nicely stated. The wingnuts are already going crazy.

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PhoboQuotable – Robert Knight

“Outrageous. Unbelievable. Our armed forces are fighting the enemy overseas while this lunatic judge behind our own lines decides to throw a hand grenade right into our own barracks. The arrogance of this judge is stunning. She has decided she is smarter than God, more than 1,163 retired generals and admirals who support the military’s policy, the hundreds of congressmen …

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Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About That DADT Ruling

“It should not be activist judges who determine what is best for our troops. This judge’s ruling shows a blatant disregard for Congress and the military. It should only be at the discretion of Congress and those in military positions who are trained and competent to decide what is in the best interest of the military and what regulations are …

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More Homophobia From CNN

Seriously, CNN? Again? Today’s poll is near the bottom of Tweet your disgust to CNN’s “bad for society” Anderson Cooper. UPDATE: The poll has been removed at GLAAD’s insistence. Thanks to all JMGians for sending out your complaints, it looks like about 1400 of you hit the complaint links in the last couple of hours.

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Governator Zings Mama Grizzly

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Stop The Islamization Of America!


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ATLANTA: Citizen Review Board Rules Cops Falsely Imprisoned Eagle Bar Patrons

Atlanta’s Citizen Review Board has ruled that 24 city cops falsely imprisoned patrons of the Atlanta Eagle during a raid that occurred one year ago today. The board is delaying deciding on a punishment for the officers pending a review of what role their supervisors had in the raid. The CRB, a citizens oversight board created by the Atlanta City …

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Fun With Google Instant

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