Monthly Archives: September 2010

Afternoon View – Times Square Cops

Such a look that man gave me.

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Out Lesbian Joins Colorado Supreme Court

Today Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter named out lesbian Monica Marquez to the state Supreme Court. “It is not because Monica is a Latina or because she is gay,” he said. “I chose her because of her analytical ability and her keen intellect.” On Wednesday, as Ritter announced that Marquez — currently deputy Colorado attorney general — would become the state’s …

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Today In Mildly Interesting Trivia

Since we were talking about browsers last night, here’s a snapshot of today’s traffic. As always, the percentage of JMG readers using Macs far outstrips Apple’s overall market share.

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GOP Rep Pledges “Blood Covenant With America” Not To Raise Taxes On The Rich

GOP Rep. Phil Gingrey thinks the phrase “contract with America” is played out, so he suggests the GOP call their pledge not to raises taxes on the rich a “covenant with America, just as God’s covenant with Moses.” He goes on the say he’d sign such a promise in blood. Eat the poor, y’all.

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Tweet Of The Day – Andy Borowitz

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Today In 9/11 Exploitation

JMG reader Rich tips us to this billboard near the crash site of Flight 93. Apparently Jeebus hates terrorism, abortion, spelling, and punctuation.

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BREAKING: GetEQUAL To Close Down Castro & Market In ENDA Protest

GetEQUAL plans to close down the intersection of Castro and Market streets in San Francisco this afternoon in a protest over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s inaction on ENDA. The group similarly shut down the Las Vegas strip in August during Netroots Nation. Today’s action is scheduled for 5pm local time. Via press release: “We pay taxes, contribute to the economy, …

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Gossip Queens To Launch On Logo

After Elton reports that later this month Logo will launch The Gossip Queens, “a gay version of The View” starring Alex Mapa. Weeknights at 7pm.

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California Governor Race A Toss-Up

Polling averages are calling the Whitman-Brown race a toss-up at the moment. This despite Whitman’s campaign expenditures in the tens of millions and Brown’s in the tens of dollars. Obviously this race may be the most important for LGBT folks nationwide, should Whitman prevail and be allowed to defend Proposition 8.

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Closet Case Crist Trailing In Florida

Sadly, a win by Crist over teabagger loon Marco Rubio is the best we can hope for at this point.

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Does This Mean I’m Not Really A 33″?

Esquire reports that many of the nation’s retailers of men’s pants are lying about their waist sizes in order to make you feel thinner. It’s called “vanity waist-sizing.”

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Maddow On Nutjob Christine O’Donnell

I missed posting this yesterday, but on Tuesday night Rachel Maddow laid into Christine “No Jerking Off” O’Donnell, the teabagger Senate candidate from Delaware.

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DADT Repeal “In Harry Reid’s Hands”

Kerry Eleveld reports at the Advocate that unless the Senate acts on DADT before the midterms, proponents fear its repeal will be delayed by a year or more. Activists are pushing Sen. Harry Reid to schedule a September vote on the defense funding bill to which the compromise DADT repeal is attached. “I’m a little anxious,” said Aubrey Sarvis, executive …

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Tony Perkins: Gay Marriage Will Lead To The Complete End Of Freedom Of Religion

Appearing on TBN’s Praise The Lord last night, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins boldly lied that if Prop 8 is ultimately overturned, that will mean the complete end of freedom of religion in the United States. Over at Good As You, Jeremy Hooper has the complete episode.

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NY Times To Stop Printing (Someday)

The New York Times will cease production of its print edition relatively soon according to its publisher. “We will stop printing the New York Times sometime in the future, date TBD,” Arthur Sulzberger told an audience at a London media summit Wednesday. Sulzberger’s statement came in response to a prediction that the newspaper would go out-of-print by 2015. “This sounds …

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Air Force Academy Alumni Group Cancels Event To Honor Gay Soldiers

An event to honor gay graduates of the Air Force Academy has been canceled by the Academy’s alumni association. The two groups sponsoring the event signed a contract and put down a deposit, but the dinner was canceled last month by the academy’s alumni organization, which controls the venue where it was to be held. A spokesman said the event …

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Quote Of The Day – Bryan Fischer

“There’s really a staggering level of hypocrisy and double standard here for the military to burn the Holy Bible and then complain when a pastor’s going to do the same thing to the Quran. You know, if the military was going to be fair here and even-handed, they would count up the number of Holy Bibles that they incinerated in …

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How People Kill Themselves In NYC

New York City has relatively few guns compared to other big cities, but its many skyscrapers provide an option. The most suicide prone group in the city is middle-aged white guys in Manhattan. Ruh-roh. In the rest of the country deaths by gun account for about 53% of all suicides. Here suicide by guns has ranked third or fourth over …

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Le Kid – We Should Go Home Together

Saint Etienne meets Go-Go’s? Plus, beefcake! (Tipped by JMG reader Foxy)

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Chris Matthews Vs. Koran Burner

How many pastors does a 50-member church need anyway?

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