Monthly Archives: September 2010

GOP House Nominee Stephen Bailey Visits JMG To Attack Rep. Jared Polis Over Saxby Chambliss Comments

“Jared Polis recklessly slandered every Republican and Republican staffer with his comments — guilt by an association not predicated by the bias at issue. This is a logical fallacy and it undermines the moral high ground on this issue. He hurts his cause when there is a valid point to be made and lashes out emotionally and insults innocent people. …

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Dave Holmes – It Gets Better

Former MTV personality and JMG reader Dave Holmes responds to Dan Savage’s It Gets Better project, which aims to help ward off the suicidal thoughts of LGBT youth. Holmes currently co-hosts DVD On TV on FX.

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Eddie Fisher Dies At Age 82

1950’s pop star and movie idol Eddie Fisher died from a fall in his California home yesterday at the age of 82. Although Fisher sold millions of records and had his own television show, his biggest claim to fame may be his high-profile marriages to Hollywood starlets Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor and Connie Stevens — all of which ended in …

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4Chan Hack Of The Year

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Broadway Friday

– Legendary playwright and Tony nominee Charles Busch (left) has opened Off Broadway with his latest, The Divine Sister, in which he plays Mother Superior of St. Veronica’s, where “dark secrets are rampant.” Early reviews are boffo. – Nicole Kidman returns to Broadway next fall in a revival of Tennessee Williams’ Sweet Bird Of Youth. The original 1959 production starred …

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DOJ To Judge: Keep Enforcing DADT

In response to the federal court ruling that DADT is unconstitutional, late this afternoon the Department of Justice filed a brief in support of keep the ban on openly gay servicemembers. Via Advocate: In a 14-page brief, Justice Department attorneys argued that a permanent injunction against enforcing the 17-year-old law — one supported by Log Cabin Republicans, which successfully challenged …

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MSNBC’s Hardball Covers Chambliss Story With Rep. Jared Polis And Log Cabin Head

Tonight MSNBC’s Chris Matthews covered the Sen. Saxby Chambliss “all faggots must die” scandal, bringing on openly gay Rep. Jared Polis and Log Cabin head R. Clarke Cooper to discuss what should happen next. Watch Cooper quisle his defense of the GOP, saying that there aren’t any gay haters in the GOP’s offices. Matthews responds incredulously: “Not at ALL?” Jared …

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Mercy Jesus! WTF? Even Through
Chanel Shades, I Can See The Light!

Cadillac Kimberly sends out an extremely very super NSFW and freekin’ hilarious rant against Bishop Eddie Long.

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Family Research Council Hires Cleetus Slackjaw As Anti-Democrat Spokescoot

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Carly Fiorina Mocks Sen. Barbara Boxer

Over on Twitter, GOProud is cheering this ad.

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GOProud Hero Ann Coulter: Ronald Reagan Was Great Because He Hated Gays

GOProud’s BFF Ann Coulter, who will headline their Homocon 2010 event here in NYC on Saturday, has published a column lionizing Ronald Reagan because of his staunch opposition to gay rights. The social issues were the difference. Reagan agreed with Goldwater on fiscal and national defense issues, but by 1980, social issues loomed large and Reagan came down mightily on …

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CDC Reports 1 In 5 Urban Gay Men Are Poz

According to a new report from the Centers For Disease Control, 19% of urban gay and bisexual men are HIV positive but one-quarter to one-half of them don’t know it. Researchers at the CDC studied 8,153 men who have sex with men in 21 U.S. cities. The men were taking part in the 2008 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System, which …

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Closet Case Anti-Gay Bishop Eddie Long Cancels Media As Scandal Grows

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Christianist Groups To Gather To Defy IRS Rules On Political Activism

The anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund is organizing a meeting of about 100 pastors who will preach “biblical perspectives on the positions of electoral candidates or current government officials” in defiance of IRS rules against such activism by tax-exempt religious organizations. Pulpit Freedom Sunday is an event associated with the ADF Pulpit Initiative, a legal effort designed to secure the First …

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Afternoon View – TKTS Booth

The ticket windows are under the steps.

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JMG Fan Page

I’ve reached the friends limit on Facebook so I’ve been forced to create, UGH, a JMG fan page, where I’ll be posting breaking stories and clips as I’ve done on my regular page. I encourage you to use the new page to post your own news items of LGBT interest and add your own commentaries.

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True Mud

Two Sesame Street posts in a row today as Towleroad points us to their parody of True Blood. Stand by for the uptight anti-titty brigade to rebrand as the uptight anti-vampire brigade.

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Sesame Street Censors Katy Perry

After a Facebook-based uproar from uptight anti-titty parents, Sesame Street has decided that they will not be airing a segment in which pop star Katy Perry sings to Elmo while wearing a low-cut costume. Sesame Street has a long history of working with celebrities across all genres, including athletes, actors, musicians and artists. Sesame Street has always been written on …

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Schlemiel! Schlimazel!

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GetEQUAL’s Broken Promises Remix

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