Monthly Archives: September 2010

Starsmith – Give Me A Break

Posted for the 1980 Ritchie Family sample… (Tipped by JMG reader Foxy)

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Blockbuster Files For Bankruptcy

It’s a Netflix world. Blockbuster has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from its creditors. Blockbuster Inc., once the dominant movie rental company in the U.S., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Thursday, after reeling from mounting losses, rising debt and competitors that have better catered to Americans’ changed media habits. Blockbuster will continue to operate its 3,000 U.S. …

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MADDOW: Advocate’s Kerry Eleveld Talks About Possible DADT Appeal By DOJ

The clip starts out with the awards just given to two anti-gay Congress members by the Log Cabin Republicans.

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President Obama Heckled By AIDS Protesters At New York City Fundraiser

President Obama’s speech to a Democratic fundraiser in New York City was interrupted last night by hecklers pushing for increased funding for HIV/AIDS programs. Obama halted his prepared remarks several times to respond. Activists yelled slogans and held signs aloft reading “Obama broken promises KILL.” Supporters of the president tried to drown them out with shouts of “O-bam-a! O-bam-a!” The …

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Tired Old Queen At The Movies #50

1955’s The Night Of The Hunter, starring Shelley Winters, Robert Mitchum, Lillian Gish, and Peter Graves.

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Juice Boxes Make You Gay!

Nationally syndicated libertarian radio host Alex Jones told his audience that drinking out of juice boxes turns people into homosexuals. Also gay-making: kettle chips. It’s all a government plot to create more gay people! And here you were blaming Glee.

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Totally Not Gay Ted Haggard Offers Words Of Support To Totally Not Gay Eddie Long

Yesterday disgraced televangelist Ted Haggard issued a statement of support for Atlanta’s Bishop Eddie Long, the anti-gay marriage activist now being sued by several young men for coercing them into sex. Ted Haggard cautioned today that no one should rush to judge the leader of an Atlanta megachurch accused of coercing three young men into sex. “Nobody’s guilty until the …

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Burning Man By Satellite

The Daily What provides us with this stunning view of this year’s Burning Man camp from the GeoEye-1 satellite.

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Get Behind Me, Satan!

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Open Thread Thursday

Tell us about your very first apartment. Suggested by JMG reader Joe (AO)

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Sen. Saxby Chambliss Admits: It Was My Guy That Said “All Faggots Must Die”

The office of GOP Sen. Saxby Chamblis has admitted that it was their staffer that left the comment “All faggots must die” on this blog yesterday. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports: U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ office has determined it was indeed the source of a highly publicized homosexual-bashing slur on an Internet site. But in a statement, Chambliss’ office said it …

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Midweek Mix – DJ Jerry Bonham

Shake off those DADT blues for an hour or so with this gorgeous electronic vocal mix from Denver’s DJ Jerry Bonham. Website. Facebook. UPCOMING GIG: Remember The Party, San Francisco, Oct. 10th PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: DJ Russ Rich. DJ Jeb Edwards. DJ James Torres. DJ Bill Pfeiffer. DJ Mike Ponsades. DJ Steve Sherwood. DJ Pete Savas. DJ Jeff Jackson & …

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Here’s The GOP’s “Pledge To America”

They might as well have called it the “Teabagger Manifesto.” If you needed further proof that the GOP is firmly in the clutches of the lunatics, just read the first couple of pages. Patriots! Self-appointed elites! Traditional marriage! Hurl!

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MINNESOTA: NOM Launches Ad Campaign Supporting Anti-Gay Tom Emmer

NOM crows about their support of Rep. Tom Emmer, the anti-gay asshat running for governor of Minnesota: We’ve just released what may very well be our most powerful ad yet . . . Focused on protecting one of our most precious civil rights – the right to vote – the ad traces today’s battle for the right to vote on …

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Tweet Of The Day

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Truth In Divorce Advertising

“You’re on your way to getting rid of that vermin you call a spouse! Divorce EZ! A Florida company!”

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No Gays? No Way! Ireland’s President Turns Down NYC’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Irish President Mary McAleese has turned down an offer to be the grand marshal of NYC’s 250th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade over the event’s long-running ban on LGBT participation. Efforts at a compromise where President McAleese could attend the gay-organized, all-inclusive St. Patrick’s parade in Queens on the weekend before March 17, and then march in the actual Fifth …

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VIDEO: Russian Activists Arrested At Protest Over Moscow’s Anti-Gay Mayor

Eight Russian LGBT activists, including Moscow Pride head Nikolai Alexeyev, were arrested yesterday at a protest rally outside the office of Moscow’s anti-gay mayor. At least eight protesters were arrested when police moved in to disperse the rally outside the mayor’s office. Among them was Russia’s best-known gay rights campaigner, Nikolai Alexeyev, who accused security agents of abducting him last …

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My Interviews With Fox & CNN

Fox News commenters think the story is fake and if it’s not fake then I should be arrested for violating the privacy of a Senate staffer. Or something. CNN’s reporter just confirmed the details and doesn’t quote me. The story has also landed on the Washington Post and some progressive blogs like the Daily Beast and Talking Points Memo. …

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FRC’s Tony Perkins Gloats Over DADT Vote, Asks For More Anti-Gay Money

“I don’t often get to write to you on the heels of a thrilling, public victory. FRC’s strategic team and your prayers and financial support won the day! Yesterday afternoon, the Senate voted down the Defense Authorization Bill — with its candy box of treats for radical liberals. The outrageous amendments to the bill included repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell …

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