Politico: Colbert Bests Trump [VIDEO]

Politico recaps last night’s show:

Donald Trump was in no fighting mood on Tuesday night. Rather than come out swinging, as he did at the outset of last week’s Republican debate, a subdued front-runner came out nodding in his “Late Show” interview with Stephen Colbert. Rather than engage or try to turn the tables, Trump, whose default mode is offense, repeatedly agreed with the wisecracks lobbed by the razor-sharp comedian, who has a knack for skewering self-serious politicians. “I want to thank you not only for being here but I want to thank you for running for president, because I’m not going to say this stuff writes itself, but you certainly do deliver it on time every day,” joked Colbert at the outset of the interview. “I think so. I think so,” agreed Trump. “I work hard at it. I think so.”