CA Gov Threatens To Seize Control Of Utility PG&E

From a Medium post by California Gov. Gavin Newsom:

For decades, PG&E failed to prioritize public safety. Their lack of safety investments left PG&E — and nearly half of Californians — with an antiquated electrical system that is vulnerable to weather events and not at all prepared for the more extreme weather associated with the climate change that has been predicted for the past several decades and is now here.

This outdated infrastructure, lack of preparation and a failure to lead and be accountable to their customers and communities led PG&E to today’s overreliance on, and botched implementation of power shutoffs — failing customers and the state. Millions of Californians lost power for days at a time. Far too many households and businesses were without power for seven days straight.

This cannot — and will not — be the new normal. California demands better. It is my hope that the stakeholders in PG&E will put parochial interests aside and reach a negotiated resolution so that we can create this new company and forever put the old PG&E behind us.

If the parties fail to reach an agreement quickly to begin this process of transformation, the state will not hesitate to step in and restructure the utility.

All options are on the table. Californians deserve world-class utilities that prioritize safety and affordability, entities that will lead the world in green innovation and zero-carbon growth. That will continue to be the priority of our state and my Administration.