Idaho GOP Rep Calls GOP Gov “Little Hitler,” Compares Lockdown To Sending People To Concentration Camps

“When you have government telling you that your business is essential or non-essential, yours is non-essential and someone else’s is essential, we have a problem there.

“I mean, that’s no different than Nazi Germany where you had government telling people either you were an essential worker or a non-essential worker, and non-essential workers got put on a train.

“You can’t take away people’s lives and property without compensation, and that’s exactly what he [GOP Gov. Brad Little] would be doing. I mean, they are already calling him Little Hitler — Gov. Little Hitler.

“I think people will start educating others, and people will be more and more vocal until they will say, ‘Enough of this,’ and put the pressure — hopefully political pressure — on him.” – GOP Idaho state Rep. Heather Scott.

Scott first made national news in 2017 when she defended white nationalism in a Facebook post.

Later that year she was stripped of her committee posts when she said that women only get Idaho leadership posts if they “spread their legs.”  

Photos show Scott brandishing the Confederate battle flag at her campaign events.

As you can see in the second clip below, Rep. Scott is a supporter of the white supremacist Christian militia, the Oath Keepers.