CNN: Trump Screamed About Mar-A-Lago Renovations

CNN reports:

His mood darkened as soon as he walked into his members-only club Mar-a-Lago, three days before Christmas, according to multiple sources. The changes to his private quarters, many of which were overseen by his wife, first lady Melania Trump, were not to President Donald Trump’s liking, and he was mad about it.

Several weeks in the works, the renovations, undertaken to make the approximately 3,000-square-foot space feel larger and updated in preparation for the Trumps post-White House life, didn’t appeal to Trump’s aesthetics.

Trump was also displeased with other renovations at the property, the source said, not just in the living space. “He was not happy with it,” said the source, who noted several loud, one-sided conversations with club management almost immediately ensued.

Read the full article. CNN notes that the renovations are being done by a designer hired by Melania, not by the club’s management. Trump is expected to host a high-ticket gala at Mar-A-Lago on New Year’s Eve. Hundreds of tickets have reportedly been sold.