Rittenhouse Trial Concludes, Jury To Start Deliberations

CNN reports:

The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse will begin deliberations on Tuesday, Judge Bruce Schroeder told the court Monday evening, following a full day of instructions and closing arguments in the case. The panel of 18 jurors — 8 men and 10 women — will be narrowed down to the 12 who will deliberate the case by a random drawing using a raffle tumbler Tuesday morning. Jurors were asked to report back to court at 10 a.m. ET tomorrow.

Following the end of closing arguments, Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder told the jurors they must “determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty as to each of the offenses charged or submitted.” “You will disregard the claims or opinions of any other person or news media or social networking site. You will pay no heed to the opinions of anyone — even the President of the United States or the President before him,” he said.

The Associated Press reports:

The judge in Kyle Rittenhouse’s murder trial will use a raffle drum that sat in the courtroom throughout the two-week trial to select the names of alternate jurors who were dismissed from the pool of 18 to get to the final 12 who will decide the case.

Schroeder told jurors last week that he would select as many names as necessary from the tumbler Tuesday to go from 18 down to 12. The pool had started at 20, but one juror was dismissed for health reasons and another was let go after he told a joke related to the case to a bailiff.