REPORT: Trump World Is Working Against DeSantis

From a lengthy New Yorker piece on DeSantis:

Trump told me that he was “very close to making a decision” about whether to run. “I don’t know if Ron is running, and I don’t ask him,” he said. “It’s his prerogative. I think I would win.” In nearly every poll of likely Republican contenders, Trump still has a solid advantage: DeSantis’s constituency was Trump’s first.

Trump seems to want to keep it that way. A consultant who has worked for several Republican candidates said that the former President had talked with confidants about ways to stop DeSantis: “Trump World is working overtime to find ways to burn DeSantis down. They really hate him.”

Read the full article. The majority of the piece focuses on DeSantis’s personality, which friends and colleagues characterize as aloof, cold, and reclusive.