TN Gov Declares “Day Of Prayer, Fasting, And Humility”

Via press release from Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee:

WHEREAS, we acknowledge God’s sovereignty and the need for God’s grace over our state and our nation; and

WHEREAS, we walk humbly together with God in hope so that we may act with justice, kindness and love, no matter the circumstance; and

WHEREAS, we seek forgiveness for our many transgressions so that our hearts and our minds may be renewed; and

WHEREAS, Scripture tells us that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the Lord gives wisdom freely to those who ask for it; and

WHEREAS, the people of Tennessee acknowledge our rich blessings, our deep transgressions, the complex challenges ahead, and the need to pause, to humble ourselves and to seek God’s guidance for the days ahead;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bill Lee, Governor of the State of Tennessee, do hereby proclaim September 30, 2022 as a voluntary Day Of Prayer, Humility and Fasting in Tennessee and encourage all citizens to join me in this worthy observance.