Brown: Send Money To Stop “Whale” George Soros

Brian Brown writes today on behalf of his other hate group, the International Organization For The Family:

Political junkies keep track of who the big donors are to various candidates and causes. The biggest are often referred to as “whales,” individuals and groups who donate so much money that their presence impacts every cause they touch, much like a whale leaves most everything else in its wake as it forces it way across the vast oceans.

As 2022 comes to a close, it’s clear that the biggest whale remains one that is both familiar and dangerous, someone whose wake is intended to drown out any enemy that dares challenge its dominion.

The whale of 2022 is George Soros. And the group who meaningfully and successfully challenges that whale is us, the International Organization for the Family, IOF.

Please help us continue our success against Soros and other leftist whales that want to destroy the natural family and rid society of family values by making a generous donation today.

Thanks to a $200,000 year end fundraising matching gift opportunity that’s been made available to us, every donation to IOF this month will be 100% matched, thus DOUBLING the size and impact of your gift. New monthly supporters will trigger a TWELVE TIMES match of their monthly donation.

A couple of years ago, the Soros network named IOF as their biggest worldwide adversary. They did so because we are both successful and relentless in challenging their agenda.

They’ve tried to drown us in their rhetorical wake, even resorting to a series of false, defamatory and insulting attacks, each of which has been eagerly promoted by the international media that is under Soros’ influence.

Please help IOF continue its incredible winning streak against George Soros and the forces of darkness by making the most generous gift you can manage.

Whatever amount you decide to give will DOUBLE thanks to the match that is underway. And if you become a new monthly supporter, the amount of your monthly gift will be matched TWELVE TIMES over.

The month of December is the most important time of year for our fundraising. We don’t have billionaires like George Soros funding our work.

We depend on the generosity of individuals and groups to help us fight Soros on behalf of the family. That is why it’s so important now that that everyone reading this email do their part to help us hit our $200,000 end of year goal.

Thank you for whatever support you can provide knowing that your gift will be matched.

Brian Brown’s IOF launched in 2016 with its “Cape Town Declaration” to fight LGBTQ rights in every country in the world.

Since then Brown has collaborated with anti-LGBTQ extremists in multiple countries, perhaps most notably in Hungary, Russia, and Ghana.

Brown also heads the similar World Congress of Families.

NOTE: Today’s email came addressed “Dear Hairy Homo” – which must be the fake name I used years ago to sign up for their press releases.