FL Students Raise $100K For Private Graduation Event After Anti-Vaxxer Is Named Commencement Speaker

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports:

Organizers of the New College of Florida graduating Class of 2023 student-led “Commencement On Our Terms” have announced civil rights leader and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Maya Wiley as the keynote speaker at the alternative graduation event on Thursday, May 18. New College graduating seniors and Nova Alliance alumni will host Wiley during the private graduation ceremony offered to this year’s New College graduates.

Dr. Scott Atlas will be the commencement speaker for the regular graduation ceremony on Friday at the Ringling Mansion. Atlas, a radiologist, is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health policy at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. He was a controversial figure in former President Donald Trump’s administration, serving as a special White House advisor during the COVID-19 pandemic. His views often contradicted the prevailing medical advice on how to combat COVID.

Read the full article. A GoFundMe drive for the alternative graduation ceremony has raised over $100,000.

Scott Atlas has appeared on JMG multiple times, including when he was denounced by Stanford University (where he was a senior fellow), when he called for “rising up” against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and when he dismissed calls for COVID testing and masks during the early months of the pandemic.