Christian Site: Taylor Swift Is Helping Unleash Demons

James Lasher writes for the far-right Charisma News:

A nation that was founded on godly principles and morality, a nation that fought to correct the sins of her past and ensure freedom for all citizens was guaranteed, has fallen under demonic influence. From the White House to Hollywood and everywhere in between, manifestations of demonic activity are on the rise.

Taylor Swift, once a country-pop star, now paints herself as a golden goddess and dons demonic masks while praising the goddess, Karma. Demonism, the occult, witchcraft, these things are all now mainstream in America. No longer relegated to the shadows and hidden corners of society, they have taken the spotlight and are front and center for all to see.

Perhaps the most glaring example of this was when the President of the United States, again, lit up the White House in a faux-rainbow, declaring that America was a nation of “Pride.” To say America is on the course of anything but destruction is folly and ignorant.

Read the full article.

Lasher last appeared here in June when he declared that video games “unleash actual demons.” Charisma News is the anchor of a sprawling right wing Christian enterprise whose founder and CEO Stephen Sprang is the author of books such as God And Donald Trump.