OAN Host: The “Unseen Realm Is Demolishing America”

“So you stated in your speech at the TPUSA conference that the Democratic Party used to have loving Americans, but has now been hijacked by Marxist lunatics.

“You also went on to say that what we have today is not a fight between Republicans and Democrats, but a fight between good and evil, dark and light, and the godly against the godless.

“And not long ago, you were also criticized for saying that our opponents were demonic, that our opponents were satanic, and then you doubled down in a recent speech and said, quote, ‘I only said it because they are.’ And I have to say, Roger, I completely agree.

“I too feel that we’re in this intense spiritual battle and there are definitely forces in the unseen realm attempting to orchestrate the demolition of America and the world as a whole.” – OAN host Alison Steinberg, speaking to Roger Stone, who recently claimed that a “visible demonic portal” now exists over the White House.

Steinberg recently appeared on JMG when she had a literal screaming meltdown over a Pride flag she spotted in her California home town and when she declared that “supporting Ukraine is gay.”