Lindell: My Lawyers Just Quit Since I Didn’t Pay Them

“Ten minutes ago all the lawyers we have for MyPillow and myself in the lawsuits with the lawfare with Dominion and Smartmatic, they just filed in federal court that – to drop us as our attorneys and this comes from the lawfare, basically. And from the media.

“The attacks on MyPillow, what American Express did — just devastating our credit. We can’t pay the lawyers. We can’t pay. There’s no money left over to pay them. I don’t know where that leaves us, but I wanted to get out in front of it before the media is gonna attack again.

“I will never settle anything, ever. I will never — they’ve done this to keep me quiet. I will never ever be quiet. I will never stop fighting no matter what, and I will never settle with the evil that’s out there. The corruption.

“And these guys what they have done to our country with these hiding, hiding what’s inside these machines.” – Mike Lindell, going on to accuse of Fox News of being part of the conspiracy against him. Enjoy the clip!