Tennessee School District Pays Hate Pastor’s Daughter $101 After Sending Her Home Over Her Anti-Gay Shirt

The Christian Post reports:

More than three years after a street preacher’s daughter was sent home from school for wearing a T-shirt declaring “homosexuality is a sin,” the family’s litigation against the school district has come to an end as the now-adult former student has received a cash payment as part of a settlement.

In a settlement agreement reached in November and shared with The Christian Post, the Overton County Board of Education in Tennessee agreed to pay $101 to Brielle Penkoski three years after she was sent home from the Livingston Academy public high school for wearing the shirt.

The school board will also pay the plaintiff’s attorney’s fees and costs. Penkoski, a minor when the lawsuit was first filed in 2020, is the daughter of street preacher Rich Penkoski [photo], who leads the online ministry Warriors for Christ.

Read the full article. My 2020 post about the incident is here. Also in 2020, the elder Penkoski joined a lawsuit against a Black Lives Matter mural in Washington DC that was filed by a notorious anti-LGBTQ activist best known here for attempting to marry his laptop.

Penkowski last appeared here in April 2023 when he was issued a restraining order for posting about a lesbian couple’s wedding on Facebook. Penkoski, whose posts about the couple included bible verses calling for executing homosexuals, denies that his posts were threatening.