Ethics Panel Opens Probe Into Freedom Caucus Rep

USA Today reports:

The House Ethics Committee is investigating Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, the committee confirmed in a Tuesday statement. The circumstances and scope of the move are still unclear. USA TODAY has reached out to Nehls’ office for comment.

Ethics Committee Chair Michael Guest, R-Miss., and Ranking Member Susan Wild, D-Penn., decided to “extend the matter regarding” the Texas lawmaker after a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics in December, the committee confirmed Tuesday

The Texas Tribune reports:

A die-hard fan of President Donald Trump, Nehls doesn’t shy from loudly blasting Democrats or breaking decorum to prove a point. He wore a T-shirt with Trump’s face to the State of the Union and pushed Trump for House speaker after Kevin McCarthy was removed from the job. He wrote a book in 2022 claiming the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump.

It has also led to comments other members found offensive. Nehls called the husband of U.S. Rep. Cori Bush, D-Missouri, a “thug” earlier this year. Bush and her husband are Black and denounced the comment as racist. The remark drew condemnation from House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and the Congressional Black Caucus. Nehls did not apologize for the remark.

 Nehls recently appeared here when he said he hopes gas goes to $8 a gallon so Americans “feel pain about asshat Biden.”