Ryan Walters: Leftists Are Lying About Death Of Nex Benedict In Order To Demonize Conservatives And Me

“Since the beginning, Trace, we saw these groups lie and say that this student died because of a fight in a bathroom. That’s not true. We also heard them lie and say that this student was bullied into the situation. That’s turned out not to be true. We’ve heard President Biden. We’ve heard his press secretary. We’ve heard Kamala Harris lie about this.

“It is a tragedy, but we did not see a student be bullied and attacked and killed in a bathroom. That’s simply not what happened. The left and these LGBTQ groups are lying about it to gain politically by attacking me, by attacking Oklahoma, by attacking conservative principles. And we’re not gonna stand for it.

“We want all students to be safe in Oklahoma, but we will not lie about gender ideology to kids. We’re going to continue to affirm truth. The media should be ashamed of themselves.

“The Woke-lahoman [newspaper] there is again perpetuating a lie. We have emphasized student safety. We want all of our students to be safe. This is not an instance where a kid was killed in a school. They are lying about it.

“They are pushing an LGBTQ plus agenda to demonize conservatives. They want to attack me politically. They want to attack conservative ideals. They want to attack conservative principles which state the truth: There’s boys and there’s girls.

“We’re gonna continue to focus in schools on academics and safety. We will not affirm their lies. We will not affirm gender ideology. And our local papers are completely left wing rags that are going to continue to lie about this in order to attack me.” – Self-avowed Christian nationalist Oklahoma schools superintendent Ryan Walters.