Cultist Against Cultist Primary Heads For Recount

The Hill reports:

Rep. Bob Good (R) is still fighting for his political life the day after polls closed in Virginia. The bitter race between Good, the chair of the House Freedom Caucus, and his primary challenger, John McGuire — a state senator who won the coveted endorsement of former President Trump — remained too close to call as of Wednesday afternoon, with McGuire holding a razor-thin edge over Good.

McGuire is leading Good by just 307 votes — or 0.4 percent — with 95 percent of the vote in, according to results from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ. More than 62,000 voters cast ballots in the race to represent Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. The contest is almost certainly headed to a recount: Virginia law allows candidates to request a recount if the margin is less than one percent.

Read the full article. Last year Good committed the unforgivable sin of endorsing DeSantis and not even his groveling performance outside Trump’s trial could win back the favor of Glorious Leader.