Cultist Site Condemns Dolly For Loving LGBTQ People

Ericka Anderson writes for the far-right Federalist:

Initially known for her songwriting skills and beauty, Parton has entered her golden years as a “secular American saint.” In a world where division is the default, she collects fans of every political stripe, refusing to denigrate anyone, and regularly proclaims, “I love everybody,” when asked how she does it.

But Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior (“be who you are,” she’s said), is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity. Like so many secularized spiritual leaders, Parton equates love with agreement, but the two are not reciprocal. Love doesn’t mean we must accept sinfulness as good to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.

She’s right that all should be treated with love and kindness, but when we refuse to label sin a sin, we’re doing more harm than good. The gospel of Dolly is popular with the masses, but don’t bank your eternity on it.

Read the full article. The CEO of The Federalist appeared here the day after Trump’s conviction to demand a literal list of Democrats that Trump should imprison. As you can see below, Dolly’s fans are not taking this.