Dem Rep Suggests MTG Is “Dumbest” House Member

The Hill reports:

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) on Thursday told ABC host Jimmy Kimmel that she’d “be hard-pressed to find someone dumber” in the House than Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). Greene and Crockett fought last month at a late-night House hearing, and their animosity has not gone down in the ensuing weeks, Crockett’s remarks suggested.

The late-night host and the Texas congresswoman discussed the chaos that erupted at the hearing last month, when Greene made a remark about Crockett’s eyelashes and Crockett then made a jab at Greene’s appearance. The hearing was supposed to be about Merrick Garland and the GOP effort to hold him in contempt, but it quickly went off the rails.

Read the full article.

Crockett told Kimmel that her now-famous “bleach blonde bad built butch body” riposte was unrehearsed. Crockett has applied for a trademark on the phrase for merch purposes. Watch the clip.