DeSantis Rages About SCOTUS Ruling On Social Media Disinfo: “The Court Just Rubber-Stamped Censorship”

Florida Politics reports:

Florida’s Governor is taking to social media to decry social media censorship, after a SCOTUS ruling said Louisiana, Missouri and social media users lacked standing to sue over the federal government’s push for platforms to remove COVID misinformation at the height of the pandemic.

“The Court majority has rubber-stamped a way for the federal government to censor speech that it doesn’t like,” posted Gov. Ron DeSantis to X, regarding the 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Missouri, which overturned a lower court ruling where the Judge bemoaned the feds’ “Orwellian” tactics.

“The Court is telling would be censors: you can’t directly censor speech but if you pursue a sophisticated plan with enough subtlety you can get away with doing indirectly what the Constitution clearly forbids you from doing directly.”

Read the full article.