Families Of Crash Victims Seek $25B Fine For Boeing

Reuters reports:

Relatives of the victims of two fatal Boeing 737 MAX crashes asked the Justice Department on Wednesday to seek a fine against the planemaker of up to $24.78 billion and move forward with a criminal prosecution.

“Because Boeing’s crime is the deadliest corporate crime in U.S. history, a maximum fine of more than $24 billion is legally justified and clearly appropriate,” Paul Cassel, a lawyer representing 15 families, wrote in a letter to the Justice Department released on Wednesday.

The families said the Justice Department could potentially suspend $14 billion to $22 billion of the fine “on the condition that Boeing devote those suspended funds to an independent corporate monitor and related improvements in compliance and safety.”

Read the full article.

Yesterday Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun apologized to some of those family members during a hearing before the US Senate. Video of that moment is below.