Federalist: Quoting Trump Is “Election Interference”

Mediaite reports:

The hard right, pro-Trump website The Federalist raised the alarm on Monday that a pro-Democrat super PAC has put out an ad using old quotes from former President Donald Trump about the dangers of mail-in voting.

The ad, shared online by critics, quotes Trump saying, “Mail-in voting is totally corrupt!” After years of hammering mail-in voting, Trump flip-flopped on the issue this Spring as the GOP launched its “Swamp The Vote USA” campaign aimed at early voting – primarily through mail-in balloting.

The Federalist published angry statements from GOP political groups claiming that the ad reminding voters of Trump’s past fury at mail-in voting was “election interference.”

Read the full article. It’s beyond hilarious that the same cultists who eagerly promote anti-Biden deep fakes and “cheap fakes” are clutching their pearls over a clip that simply shows Trump speaking. But hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of the cult.