Floridians Are Now Allowed To Kill “Crack Bears”

Tampa’s NBC affiliate reports:

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Friday that makes it legal for people to kill “crack bears” in self-defense. The bill was dubbed “the cocaine bear bill” on social media after its sponsor said Floridians have the right to protect themselves against “the ones that are on crack.”

“They break your door down and they’re standing in your living room growling and tearing your house apart,” Rep. Jason Shoaf (R- Port St. Joe), who sponsored the House version of the bill, said while introducing legislation at a committee meeting.

“When you run into one of these crack bears, you should be able to shoot it,” Shoaf said. “Period.”

Miami’s NPR affiliate reports:

“Increasing the killing of Florida’s iconic black bears under the guise of self-defense –– without requiring proof of actual danger — poses serious public safety risks and undermines responsible wildlife management,” Kate MacFall, Florida state director at the Humane Society of the United States, said in a prepared statement.

MacFall said the bill conflicts with regulations of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which has the constitutional authority to manage wildlife. She added her organization “will continue to explore our options moving forward to ensure Florida’s bears are protected.”

Sierra Club Florida, which has also argued the bill usurps the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s constitutional authority, said it is “a dangerous solution to an imaginary problem.”