FRC: Tolerance Is Not Christian Virtue, It’s Actually Evil

From the Family Research Council’s website:

Tolerance is not a Christian virtue; it is rather an earthly shadow or purely social mirroring of the fuller virtue of mercy. As is made abundantly, almost appallingly evident in the form of Christ crucified — that bloodied and mangled God-man hanging upon a broken tree — mercy is forgiveness of some evil.

Mercy and justice balance one another out in the service of charity, with those twin virtues finding their fulfillment and completion in charity. It is this truth, preserved throughout the centuries by Christianity, that leftism so viciously assaults with its proclamation of “tolerance.”

Mercy is twisted and warped so that all manner of sin and degeneracy demands to be tolerated — not as a man may tolerate a few lumps or a twisted branch in his back beneath his sleeping-bag on a camping trip, but rather as a man may simply “tolerate” a malignant cancer growing in his organs, when the tumor could easily be removed.

Instead, the leftist ideal of “tolerance” insists that the cancer also must be “tolerated,” though it will inevitably kill its host. If the cancer is no longer called “a cancer” but simply a part of who someone is, then would not a surgeon be mad for saying the cancer must be removed?

Read the full article.