Hawley Goes Full Christian Nationalist In Anti-LGBTQ Rant: Take Pride Flags Out Of Schools And Put In Bibles

“We hear all the time that religion divides this country. The left says it constantly. Have you heard it? All the they time, they’re like, ‘Oh, religion is so divisive. Religion divides America.’

“I’m here to tell you today that religion doesn’t divide America, religion unites America. We are a religious people! I’ll tell you what divides America is the left’s attempt to destroy religion. That’s what divides America.

“What is dividing America is their attempt to erase our heritage. To erase the foundation that his country has in, yes, the bible. This is the greatest country in the history of the world because we are founded on the principles of the bible.

“That is the truth! And most Americans know it! They know it to be true! They know it to be true! Who is dividing America is the radical left. And that’s why I say to you, we don’t need less Christian influence in our society.

“We don’t need less Christian witness in our society, we need more! In every part of government, in every part of society. You know what? We ought to take the Pride flag out of schools and put the bible back in! [Crowd roars.]

“We ought to take the trans flag down from down all of our federal buildings and over every federal building in America, write the words, in God we trust! Amen? Amen!” – Sen. Josh Hawley, speaking today at the Faith And Freedom Conference.