Insiders: Melania Won’t Live In WH If Trump Wins

Axios reports:

If the Trumps return for round two, don’t expect to see more of Melania in D.C. — or at all, really. The prospect of her rolling in for a second full-time stint in the East Wing? Doubtful, according to the handful of Melania-ologists Axios surveyed.

More likely: jetting between Palm Beach (where she’s spent the past four years) and New York (where tongues are wagging about Baron maybe attending NYU), coming to the White House only for ceremonial undertakings like state dinners or special events.

“She’s distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene,” says Kate Andersen Brower, who’s written several books about the White House and first ladies. “I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington.”

Read the full article.