Perkins: The Biden Admin Is “Aligned With The Devil’

“You have an administration that is pushing this transgender agenda that is indoctrinating our children, marginalizing the relationship between parent and child.

“We see religious institutions like adoption agencies being put out of business because they’re being called bigoted and hate-filled.

“We see this administration working with groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center that target Christian organizations and churches that preach the word of God.

“They’re even using them as a resource! So that should tell you all you need to know about this administration and their alignment with evil – and quite frankly, when you talk about who’s behind evil – it’s the devil.

“This administration is aligned with the devil. It’s demonic. It is and you can’t be afraid to say that.” – Tony Perkins, speaking Coral Ridge Ministries, which like the FRC is an SPLC-designated anti-LGBTQ hate group.