SCOTUS Allows Emergency Abortions In Idaho, For Now

From yesterday’s report by Bloomberg Law:

A document inadvertently uploaded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s website on Wednesday appears to indicate the court will send a case regarding emergency abortion care in Idaho back to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rather than make a decision.

Rather than rule on the merits, the unofficial opinion essentially says the court took the case too soon in the process. The court acknowledged the document was accidentally uploaded for a short period of time on Wednesday, and told Bloomberg an official opinion will be released “in due course.”

“The Court’s Publications Unit inadvertently and briefly uploaded a document to the Court’s website,” said Patricia McCabe, the court’s public information officer. “The Court’s opinion in Moyle v. United States and Idaho v. United States will be issued in due course.”

The Washington Post reports:

The Biden administration sued Idaho in 2022, arguing that the state’s strict abortion ban conflicts with federal law. Idaho’s law bans almost all abortions, with penalties of up to five years in prison for doctors, except when an abortion is “necessary to prevent the death of a pregnant woman.”

The administration contends that EMTALA requires abortions for pregnant women if needed to address health-threatening conditions short of death, such as organ failure or loss of fertility. Conservatives counter that the White House is stretching a law that makes no mention of the procedure so that it can justify abortion access.

The official ruling was just issued.

Nothing on Trump today. AGAIN.