Senate Dems Seek Repeal Of 1873 Anti-Abortion Law

The Washington Post reports:

Democrats are seeking to overhaul an 1873 federal law that bans abortion-related materials from being sent through the mail, worried that a future Trump administration could invoke the Comstock Act to crack down on abortion access or effectively ban the procedure altogether.

“There is a very clear, well-organized plan afoot by the MAGA Republicans to use Comstock as a tool to ban medication abortion, and potentially all abortions,” said Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.), who on Thursday plans to introduce legislation to repeal the Comstock Act’s abortion provisions. “My job is to take that tool away.”

Democrats’ push to defang the 151-year-old law comes less than five months before a presidential election in which reproductive rights appear destined to play a defining role. But the party’s mixed reaction to the plan underscores the balancing act between policy aspirations and political realities.

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