Staver: We’re Defending LA’s Ten Commandments Law

Via email from hate group leader Mat Staver:

Liberty Counsel will do battle with the ACLU once again, defending America’s undeniable Judeo-Christian heritage and the indisputable influence of the Ten Commandments on American law and government.

The Louisiana law states the displays recognize “the historical role of the Ten Commandments” in the founding of the United States and that a “functional self-government” needs a common “civic morality” by which to govern itself.

But the ACLU is suing to try to stop Louisiana. Liberty Counsel is on the case! We need your help.

As you likely know, Liberty Counsel won a historic 9-0 victory at the U.S. Supreme Court last fall defending religious freedom in Shurtleff v. City of Boston, and we filed an amicus brief in the Coach Kennedy case. These two cases destroyed the Lemon Test once and for all, making public expressions of faith LEGAL once more.

But the ACLU must not have gotten the memo, because it is suing Louisiana to force the state to hide the Ten Commandments from schoolchildren.

We must continue to defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and history. We intend to WIN, but WE NEED YOUR HELP to fund our work in this crucial case. Every donation made today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a generous Challenge Grant.

In a separate message, Staver says that Liberty Counsel’s help will come in the form of “research and briefs.” So, yeah, he’s lying about “doing battle” with the ACLU.